15% Off The New Lower Lights Album and Winners to the Lower Lights Concert with Stories You Don't Want to Miss!

First issue: the new Lower Lights Christmas album is on pre-sale today for C. Jane readers (are you reading this? that means you) WITH 15% OFF from now until the weekend! Use the code "cjane" (clever) and buy one for everyone you love. If you were to ask me, I'd say this is probably the best Lower Lights album yet. It's gorgeously arranged and the singing is incredible. I love that every song is about Christ's birth. And it's worth it just to hear Paul Jacobsen's Once in Royal David's City. Did you know you could square dance to that song? Now you can. Also, you'll likely love Still, Still, Still with the girls from The Folka Dots.
Second: I bought new lipstick and it's the color of everything right in this world. I would tell you what it is but I think you should probably figure that out on your own. You're big boy now.
Third: Thanks everyone for entering the Lower Lights Christmas Concert contest. We had over forty entries! Forty stories of failure! It's like Christmas is already here for me!
This was hard, and it reminded me of why I hate hosting giveaways. And I wouldn't have done it except I believe that everyone should come to this concert. So I do my part. By the way, most of the stories had to do with being newlyweds. Cautionary tales with one moral: skip Christmas the first year of marriage.
The winners:
If you are winner, will you please email me cjanekendrick@gmail.com? We'll get you all settled up. Thanks everyone for your entries. I wish you many more holiday-style failures in future!
Kalie Glines -My biggest Christmas fail was actually my husband's. We had been dating only a month or two and were traveling about an hour away for his family's Christmas party. We made it fine and had fun but right afterwards on our way home, we got pulled over for speeding. It was taking the cop a long time to write a ticket, and that was when my husband told me, "Uhhh I have an unpaid ticket in this county..." Another police officer pulled up, and arrested him! I was stuck in his car that I couldn't drive (it was a manual) so I had to call my dad to drive an hour to come get me and of course I had to tell him why. He hadn't met my boyfriend yet so that left quite the impression. My now husband later asked my dad if he could marry me, to which my dad replied, "I would be devastated if you guys got married." He has since changed his tune.
Jeni Jones -I thought this would be a cute picture but instead he just looked like he was in a monogrammed strapless dress. I also took off his diaper (classic new mom mistake) so of course he peed in his Christmas stocking.

Kathy Adams Richards -Christmas Eve 1986 I was up super late wrapping Christmas presents (come on ...we all do it!) when I finished I sat back to enjoy the beautiful results and promptly fell asleep. Imagine my second graders surprise when he came down early Christmas morning and found me asleep surrounded by tape, ribbon and wrapping paper! "You mean YOU'RE really Santa?!?" I did some fast talking but I don 't think he really believed me. Epic Christmas fail! If I win the tickets I will give them to him and his sweet wife as penance for ruining the magic of Christmas for him all those years ago!
Holly Janeen Decker -Last Christmas I wanted to get my kids lots of great gifts (I had four at the time) but my husband was feeling tight on money and so he gave me a budget of 100 bucks. I decided to go to goodwill on half off Saturday and get hoards of used toys and books. I came away proud of myself and figured my kids were too young to expect NEW toys, that they simply wanted to be showered with presents. Christmas morning arrived and when my kids opened everything up- they were devastated. They kept asking who gave us the toys and if they would get new ones. It was the worst Christmas ever and now I am determined, budget or not, to get new toys for the kids.
Fourth: Ok and one more, because it makes me laugh:
Aubrey Bond Bateman -5 words: In-laws, poop, plunger, panic, flood...
Oh the good times.
Have a happy album-buying, pre-Thanksgiving partying weekend everybody!
p.s. here's the link again to The Lower Lights Christmas Album pre-sale
p.s.s. and here's the link to the Lower Light's Christmas Concert