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Scripture Study

At 8:30am sharp (but not that sharp really) Anson and I gather at this table to do "home school" before he heads out to work on the ranch. He makes himself breakfast while I ask his opinions on "current events" and we check in on his expanding emotions. Next we spend a few minutes on a "financial literacy book for teens" (he hates it, but I am learning so much!). After that, we take turns reading the bible.  And by the bible I mean: The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy . It's five Hitchhiker novels in one book to rule them all. We have been reading near-daily since October and we are only on the third novel (having finished the second one this morning, thank you). We might be done with the entire volume by the time he is 18 and ready to move out. If we're lucky. The move to La Sal hasn't been easy for Anson. He misses his friends. He feels isolated (which, fair). He's navigating his coming-of-age on a dusty, lonely ranch full...

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