Six of the Six

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I put in my resignation for being the host of the Rooftop Concert Series at the beginning of the year last year, as I do every year. Nothing in my life makes me feel more like an insecure girl at the middle school dance than getting on that stage. But once again, like every year, my resignation was rejected and so I had to pull up my big girl pants, grab the revolving mic and do the song and dance of a concert series hostess. Every year I console myself with clothes (as I have done my whole life) because I can do anything, ANYTHING if I've got the right clothes. Now, that may sound terribly vapid, but it's true. I've felt that way my whole life (school, mission, wedding) the right clothes can make me impossibly confident. And you know what? Superheros are no different. So I think I'm in good company.
And so, a self-absorbed tribute to six eclectic outfits from left to right: 
1. This was the first outfit non-thirfted outfit I had purchased in a really long time. The top and tiger leggings I bought at H&M. That being said, the blazer (my Don Johnson jacket, as my friend Lindsay called it) is from the Twin Falls, Deseret Industries. Or the TFDI as I call it. So something old, something new. And those nude shoes I will take with me to heaven. WE WILL NEVER DEPART. And speaking of that, this concert was held on the same day as my grandmother Marion Larsen Clark Long Finlayson Nelson's funeral. So it was an intense day for me. But I'm 99% sure she would've approved of my sequined top. NO ONE loved sequins more than Marion. She probably took them to heaven with her too.
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This concert will go down as one of my favorites--Desert Noises with The Blue Aces.
2. A poplin, floral fancy number also purchased from the TFDI. After I put it on and stood on stage I discovered an unfortunate rip in the armpit area. But it was a hot night and the ventilation was very appreciated. Especially when, after the concert was over, Joshua James and I had a heart-to-heart backstage about birthing and thinking out of our cultural box. I sweat when I get philosphical. photo null_zpsdf1a38e5.jpg
Just after that heart-to-heart, with Joshua James and Velour's Corey Fox.

 photo null_zpsb128237f.png3. July, the rain-out concert. By this time I had the blessed help from the McKeon sisters (we call them the Kardashians of Provo) Jacqueline, Camille and Danielle and they talked me into a very ethereal look to go with the Rolling Stones tribute concert. I didn't know if I could pull it off, but you know what happened? We pulled up to the venue and the first person I saw was Tyler Glenn (Neon Trees) who gave me a delightful hug and told me I looked great. Now, it wasn't that I needed him to tell me that, but I've seen that man perform and put himself out there in ways I've never seen another human do. He's a very vulnerable, big, generous performer--meaning that he's not stingy with his passion and he gives it away really freely on stage, which is why he's so adored by his fans. And when I thought of my feelings towards him, I decided to do the same. And you know what? I really loved wearing that outfit. I felt awesome that night.
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(James Valentine--my SIL Lisa's brother from Maroon Five, Me and Tyler.)

 photo null_zps38d13b2b.jpg4. Do you know what I always love to say on stage? I love to say the name Miiiiiiindyyyyy Gleeeeedhiiiiillll! It's such a fun name to stretch out in vowels. This pink tiger number was the Mindy Gledhill concert. This was my second outfit styled by the McKeon sisters. I was going to try to pull the pink dress off without the leggings but my Mormonism was showing, so we opted for the cheetah leggings. At this point I was starting to really feel the effects of my new pregnancy, I mean, my body was starting to really change. But I'll never forget this outfit because my sister Lucy said on Instagram it was my best Rooftop Outfit ever. And a sister's approval is the best approval. Second to The New Electric Sound's approval:

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5. I waited all season long to wear my Keep Provo Boring t-shirt and September seemed liked the right fit. Keep Provo Boring is a play off of Austin's Keep Austin Weird. Provo has a reputation for being boring, but us happy locals feel like saying, if this is boring (these mountains to climb, this lake to sail, this art scene to discover, this food to eat, these concerts to love) then yes, let's keep it boring. Thank you very much. Also, I loved my hair this night. Jacqueline did a great job on the double twist.
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Me with Gilbro Cisneros who puts the brovo in Provo.

 (p.s. the t-shirt is by TheYoungHundred, if you want to "join the cause" and wear one yourself, wherever you are, get them here.)

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6. Last Friday, our ending concert was moved indoors at the Marriott across the street from the Rooftop. Chup and I decided to go with the change and checked into a room on the 9th floor (attention locals: the Provo Marriott is our secret getaway, we check in periodically to escape without going too far, consider this an insiders tip!). During the day we brought the kids over to swim and eat Two Jack's Pizza (with those bubbly breadsticks!) and watch a movie. Later in the afternoon we took them home to be with family for the night. Then, we spent all evening enjoying the last concert of the year, celebrating with our friends and sleeping in the next morning. So this photograph to me represents one of the most wonderful nights of my life, with a baby kicking in my belly and a beautiful dress my friend Noelle donated to me. It was so comfortable and fun to wear, I forwent shoes and succumbed to the barefoot and pregnant cliche. But it was all for the best when I got up on stage with the Lower Lights to dance to the last song of the season.
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Thanks for supporting me, the Rooftop Concerts and downtown Provo. For those who show up and clap and sing along,  or those who watch from home, I can't tell you how much it means to me personally. I am indebted to this community for embracing our project and like Paul Glauser said in our wrap-up meeting with Provo City officials this morning, "There is no foreseeable reason why this concert series shouldn't go on forever."

And also, thanks to the McKeon team. Cuter than the Kardashian's, I'd say:
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Until next year Rooftop...

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