
The dream of my life was to travel. I told Chup many times in and out of courtship and through the first decade of marriage, "If I can travel I will live anywhere with you. Even Idaho. Lo."
But curiously, as I have taken up a steady study of my town--the views, the discoveries, the wonder of the geography--my desire to travel lessens and lessens. My soul doesn't wait for it like a coming-of-confidence. If I can love where I live, I can love myself and others all the more.
Does this shrink my view of the world? Not necessarily. In my pocket in Provo I have explored many global cultures by sharing experiences with my neighbors. My friend Milli from Ghana often tells me about body image ideas where she grew up ("The pear-shape is considered most beautiful.") and she's been known to leave her traditional meat kabobs (with spice so fast it melts your intestines on the quick) on my doorstep.
I do family history work for Birthe my friend from Denmark. I learn Italian from Irene. Many times I've invited myself to Simy's house for hot fare from Hong Kong. My friend Jessica just brought my girls muumuus and gummies from her hometown in Hawaii. If I'm feeling brave sometimes I will pipe up and practice my French with my neighbor Jonathan from France.
Is knowing the backdoor alley-way restaurants in Paris better than walking in to Slab pizza with all the waiting MTC-bound missionaries and their tearful mothers? You know? I don't know. I've done both and each comes with unique thrills.
Of course, if Milli ever asks if I want to go to Accra with her and eat mangos on her porch, I won't turn her down. Traveling will always excite me, I've just let go of the idea that it will complete me.
Provo completes me just fine. Thank you.
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Going on this weekend:
You need some new threads?
There are 2 one-of-a-kind vintage and thrift sales going on this weekend in downtown Provo.
(I will be selling some vintage dresses from my collection at both sales! Sizes 8 to 16!)
