C. Jane Vlog: All Things Austen Baby

How do you secure the rights from BBC to bring the world Jane Austen on the huge screen? We shall divulge with our favorite neighbor and world-class storyteller Brother Acheson. Plus a TRUE TALE about me peeing my pants in Canada and some Les Mis.

Oh how lucky can you get today?

Buy tickets for yourself and ALL your sisters, friends, soul mates, boyfriends, husbands, daughters, angry neighbors, peaceful neighbors and astronauts here: janeaustenguild.com

*Friends, let's connect this weekend using these super fancy social media outlets! I got you on twitter, facebook and the new fangled instagram! We are going up to Salt Lake to tour Youth Village tomorrow and it's snowing like mad outside and I bought some new muu muus!

p.s. My friends Mideau kicked their goal on kickstarter but they're hoping to raise more funds. I think this album is going to be tingling with excitement. I love the sample tracks. Like this one. A pledge gets you a preordered album (if you pledge by tomorrow!) Pledge here.

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