Present Presents

chup and i were pretty proud of ourselves this christmas
we didn't over-stimulate our children
we gave them appropriate presents
and not too many of them either.
(i am convinced too many presents are NOT good for us
almost like candy. makes everyone grumpy and grouchy
hours after opening.)
i also tried to shop locally and handmade mostly
and that proved to be my greatest
idea of all.
here's what we came up with.
for ever: we found a retro fisher-price little people doll house just like the one i had (and you had) when i was young. remember the doorbell? how it dings? and the wood burning stove in the kitchen? yep all there! thank you ebay, ever delights in this simple relic from the past just like i did!
for ever and erin: matching little miss pillows with a red striped back and perfectly placed bows.
for erin: a bitty circle quilt she can hang on her crib now and play babies with later.
for ever: a whole dance recital full of cupcake ballerinas or "banininas" as she calls them.
(the annie leibovitz book is, ahem, NOT ever's)
for erin: my mother in law honey found a handmade puffy quilt deep in the heart of the magic valley.
for erin: a richly hued yarn ball wreath complete with a tiny gold dancer leaping between the heaps.
you're thinking, what about the chief? did he end up with coal?
don't you worry about that boy, there was lots of plastic-y, battery-powered, loud machines in his corner.
he didn't miss out in the least.

this month I've decided to write a book while simultaneously breastfeeding my baby and battling the postpartum blues. should be a blast. stay tuned.