Party Two

For my second party trick, I went to the BYU vs. University of Idaho game tonight with my family. It was thirty degrees and I walked all the way to the stadium and back. Sure, on the incline back to my house I wanted to lie down in the fetal position and cry/squat, but I did it. I DID IT!

Me and Lucy pre-game.
(I am wearing no less than seven layers of leggings.)
(I made Lucy zip up my boots for me, it was a tremendous labor of love, one that required her to push and breathe about as much as her last labor and delivery, but at least one of us is doing that sort of activity...)
When I am with these particular siblings I turn back into teasy, silly sister and I laugh uncontrollably.
My brothers are horribly funny. And so is Lucy.

Top row: Andrew, Me, Lucy and Jesse
Bottom: Buggy (who speaks French, oui), Matthew and Lydia.
(we're front rowers)
Meanwhile back at the ranch, Chup put up a huge screen and projected Super Why from his fancy equipment.
My kids are so lucky. Question is, when will they know it?

When I got home I saw that my friend Spencer Hall (@saltcityhoops) had tweeted this tv screen shot.
Not a bad night to be on ESPN, I suppose:

BYU wins it 45 to 7.
In other scores of the day: C. Jane 2, Pregnancy 0.