Rooftop Concert Series Sponsors or How I Got the Dress I Wanted or My First Foray Into Modeling!

Could someone tell Lilac Clothing that yes, they can use these images on their website?
I know they're going to ask anyway.
I know they're going to ask anyway.
Recently my sister in law Lisa and I had a great talk about blogging and our responsibility to each other as women online (it was one of the best discussions I've ever had about blogging--one day I will share) but one of the things she said to me was this, "Don't sell me things, don't tell me what to buy, talk to me. I don't need products as much as I need enlightenment." And then I said, "Ok, ok, ok but what if there really is a product out there I want to write about?" to which she replied, "Then be honest."
Here's my honesty:
A couple months ago when I saw my friend Karen coming towards me in the hallway at church wearing the most gorgeous gold-colored slightly-striped goddess dress I stopped her and said, "Yes, hi friend. I'm going to need that dress you've got there."
Then Karen looked at me and said, "This dress is from my sister-in-laws's company called Lilac Clothing."
A couple days later Mindy Gledhill (your favorite person) called telling me that Lilac Clothing was interested in sponsoring one of our Rooftop Concerts. Because sponsorships is my department at the RCS I called Lilac Clothing and said something like, "We'd love to have you as a concert sponsor, but I am going to need that gold goddess dress."
You see, when I'm in charge, I'M IN CHARGE.
A week later I was invited to the Lilac Clothing warehouse where we searched the huge facility through racks and racks of clothes until we found THE VERY LAST GOLD GODDESS DRESS in the entire place AND because I am such a good human being IT WAS IN MY SIZE.
While at the warehouse I learned more about this company, this Lilac Clothing company Outfitter to the Goddesses. The concept behind this line of clothing is embracing the truth that women's bodies are eternally changing. The clothes they design work with maternity, post-maternity, pre-maternity, non-maternity bodies (and, CHECK!, in the past four years I've been all of the above).
It was also during this visit at the warehouse I was convinced to pick up some pants. I don't wear pants. No one can get me to wear them, even Chup who claims he loves me best in a "pair of jeans and a white t-shirt." I feel like I was born with too many curves for modified menswear. But after decent persuasion by the Lilac ladies, I tried on their Boyfriend Jean and suddenly I understood pants. They were no longer an enemy to my frame. I took home three more pairs.
Plus their pants come with a build-in supportive control top, that magical piece of material that snuggles my body, my bumpy, curvacious, shape-shifting body. Break it down.
Pants or tops, I like the pieces I've picked up from Lilac. They are forgiving clothes with lots of stretch and support and very basic in colors and prints. They appeal to the part of me that gravitates toward simple lines with just the tiniest bit of flair.

Whaaaaaat? More modeling? Ok!
I wore a Lilac shirt to Denver here.
This lacy gray top is from Lilac here.
I vlogged wearing the Lilac Boyfriend Jeans here.
I gave a tour of Retro House in Lilac's pants and shirt here.
And Friday night I will be at the Rooftop Concert with that gold goddess dress . . . stay tuned.
Our other sponsors the night of the concert are The Ready Project and 3B Yoga.

The Ready Project is a really cool concept. It's a food preparedness program where instant meals (just add water!) are shipped monthly to your home. So you start building a small supply of food and gradually increase it over time and when the need arises, you've got food for your family no matter the circumstances. Plus, everything has a 15+ year shelf life --and if the end of the world doesn't come before 15 years from now, I'm a monkey's uncle. Check out The Ready Project here.

I love working with the people at 3b Yoga. Is there something about people who practice yoga regularly? They project serenity. After I've been on the phone with them I feel so relaxed and open. And listen, if I can get that sort of reaction from a business phone call, I can only imagine how they make their patrons feel during an actual session. Read up on 3b Yoga here.
For a guide to this concert see, here.
I really hope you can come, you can wear whatever you'd like,
(as long as it's not your birthday suit).
Please bring your own water bottles
(can be filled at the concert)
plus blankets and low chairs. Get comfy.