Joshua James + Sayde Price Videos Up!

I could be the Monarch of Provo in this Trevor Christensen shot, no? Somebody put me on the front of a boat,  or in town square cast in bronze.Voyage on my people of the P-town! Go forth (with I Bike Provo water bottles) and conquer!

(I Bike Provo water bottles:)

Thanks Provo Bicycle Committee.

Mango Films just finished putting together the videos of CJaneRun.Com presents Joshua James with Sayde Price. As always, I am so proud.

Here's Joshua, he's so good. (And that's my friend Bishop Pat on the drums!)

Sweet, Sayde (with Evan). I can't get enough:

Also, thanks to The Mollies and their enchanting style:

Next concert is in 21 days. I hope to see you there my semi-royal subjects:

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