Weekend's Border Crossing

My mother in law Kay and father in law Ernie have side-by-side summer birthdays. Every year in the later parts of July we head to Twin Falls, Idaho to celebrate. This year we kept the tradition of shopping at the Twin Falls Deseret Industries, where we serendipitously found a Tickle Me Ernie for Grandpa. We thought it was a gag gift until Chup discovered Tickle Me Ernies going for a hundred and fifty bucks on e-bay. How's that for a gift that keeps on giving?
We also went swimming at a place formerly called Sligars but is now under new management as 1000 Springs Resort. Before you book any travel, I would add that resort should look more like this, "Resort" as in, 1000 Springs "Resort" and you should come prepared for time travel back to 1961. But boy did we have fun.
My favorite part of Twin Falls is the ancient lava rock formations in the middle of fields and fields of crops--beans, corn, barley, alfalfa and of course, potatoes. This juxtaposition of desert and fertility gave Twin Falls County the nickname Magic Valley. But I wonder if the magic is not found in the plant-type crops, but the crops of hot men they grow in bunches. For example, Chup.
All weekend long I worried about my little windowsill geranium I forgot to water before we left. When we arrived home however, it stood steadfast at the window, like it had been on the lookout for robbers all weekend and had not withered a bit. Who needs an alarm when you've got geraniums?
Tomorrow Utah will be celebrating Pioneer Day--which is a state holiday where we all hug each other, eat pie and go to a rodeo. Mix in a nighttime sky of fireworks and you've got a real treasure of a celebration. I mean, I appreciate Idaho with it's "resorts" and magic and all, but I'm a Utah gal at heart.
Happy Birthday Kay, Ernie, Andrew and Jayne.
Yee Haw!