Sunday Guest Post Series: Caitlin Connolly's Healing Through Art

The human heart is a pretty dangerous place, isn’t it? At least I know mine can be! I heard a quote as a young college girl that said, “the greatest battles of life are fought out daily in the silent chambers of the soul“ {David O. McKay}. As a right brained, creatively driven, all-too-tied-up in my own mind kind of person – this quote rang very true to me. I am a painter and a daydreamer, and I have found that nothing can heal a fickle heart like creating.
When you are attempting to become a successful artist there is a big pressure to “find your style”. Discovering this unique flare can be a lifelong pursuit with many up’s and down’s. Perhaps I am a more emotionally driven artist than most, but I have found a huge connection between developing my style and coming to peace with who I am.
I think there is something wonderful about creating that lifts up a droopy heart. Isn’t it amazing that we have the opportunity to put a brush on paper and make a mark that may have never existed before? I think people are so insistent and curious about “your style” because they’re really trying to say, “what do you have to offer to the world that has never been offered before?”. No pressure, right?
I assemble shapes, colors, and linear ideas to express the ideas of change, growth, and progression. If I am not watching a ridiculous funny movie {I love a good laugh} or listening to some groovy music {Janelle Monae perhaps?}, painting can be a nice quiet time for me. As I sit in my messy studio working my way through these paintings, I have a very realistic conversation with myself. I think about trials, successes, influential people, the purpose of life, and I process things. Deep, right? I come to terms with my flaws but I try to rejoice in what I do have to offer. Sorting and reflecting through these things is a very healing time for me and it gives me hope. This narrative usually brings me to a finished product that I am very happy about.
I always try to be honest with myself as I create. Finding “my style” has been a challenge, but I find myself getting closer it to the more I am honest with the process. Working my brush on my canvas, assembling new ideas, and working through past emotions all have a huge power to heal my heart. I hope others can see themselves in my paintings it can bring them the same kind of joy that I feel.
Caitlin Connolly is a wife, artist, musician and mother to puppy Albus. You must stop by her blog Hue & Hum-- an artistic blog journaling the lives of a husband and wife artist and musician team (her husband Robbie is the lead guitarist for Fictionist). Or shop her etsy shop here. Warning: it's such a cozy, colorful world you will not want to leave.

Caitlin Connolly is a wife, artist, musician and mother to puppy Albus. You must stop by her blog Hue & Hum-- an artistic blog journaling the lives of a husband and wife artist and musician team (her husband Robbie is the lead guitarist for Fictionist). Or shop her etsy shop here. Warning: it's such a cozy, colorful world you will not want to leave.