I Don't Blog Like This Every Day, This Is Special

Then a houswife's dream happened when my husband informed me that he was going to St. George for the week to work on this Nitro Circus movie he's producing. I packed up the whole household and fled into the arms of my sister in law Suze and brother Steve who also live in the area. The two of them together treat me like a fifth child bringing the grandkids home for the weekend. I sit on their couch while they feed me and follow around my tiny trailblazers entertaining them and taking them to the pool and back. Then we haul the sleepy children back to the hotel room and wake up to breakfast in bed. I can't believe my luck.
Tomorrow I will pack up and with two nieces Maggie and Emily drive back Provo for a most excellent evening of entertainment (eeeek). In between splashing in the pool and praying to a desert sun, I've been taking phone calls and answering emails in preparation for our big concert tomorrow night. My fellow friend and co-founder of the Rooftop Concert Series, Sarah Wiley is in North Carolina with her family and since she usually runs the show it's fallen on me to take over some of her duties--which, let me be honest, is about 90% of the whole operation. I am used to schmoozing with the sponsors, buttering up to the caterers (Spark, let me kiss you) and doing publicity interviews. But now that Sarah is gone, I am getting asked about power outlets and traffic flow--two things, let me be honest, I know zilch about. So Sarah, I toast to you. This dark beverage in my hand right now as I type this on my fluffy hotel bedroom? This is for you My Dear Friend. Soon we'll be on the moonlit beach on a balmy September evening running free!
That last part of that paragraph was an inside joke, I thought I'd place it in there because Sarah only reads my blog every Easter and Christmas. That'll teach her.
So speaking of sponsors for this concert, Basa Body and Halftees, were both very direct that they wanted to do something special for all my readership, not just those who are hoisting lawn chairs up on the rooftops on Friday night. So Oklahoma? Listen up.
If you haven't heard my proclamations about Basa Body (pure coconut oil products) on this blog already then either you are a new reader or you have some reading comprehension classes to take, whatever. I've been using the Coconut-Lime facial cleanse with the Serum (love that word) in the facial kit and for a dry skinned human like me, it's nothing but gratitude this product exists. Just today Troy told me Basa is coming out with a lighter day moisturizer for more oily skin humans. Basa cares about all skin types, you see.

Of course, Basa's best product is the Body Stick which my niece today told me she uses religiously on her sunburned areas and Suze told me she uses on her lips which brings up a good point: everyone in the household needs their own Body Stick. I mean, I use mine under the armpits and I don't want to share with Chup who uses his on his feet. I can't tell which one is more disgusting. But it also brings up another good point: there is no problem on your body that the Basa Stick can't salve.
(Troy, you can borrow that line for publicity if needed, text me.)
Buy any Basa product, help women in Kenya and get 10% off by using the code ilovecjane.
(I hope you do.)
Here are some links:
Basa Body
Facial Kit
Body Stick
And because you like Mindy Gledhill more than me anyway, you can see how Basa Body coconut oil is extracted in Kenya by going to Mindy's tutorial here.

Next, Halftees is coming at you with a discount as well. You also know how I swear by these undershirts which are half the material but not half the heart. (Amanda, you can borrow that line for publicity if needed, text me). I just convinced your favorite person MINDY GLEDHILL to try them on her pregnant body as well. They stay put directly under the bust line so as to eliminate the roll-up that sometimes occurs with undershirts. Recently Halftees washed their old website down the drain, updated, added new styles and colors. I can't seem to order enough.
Let's take a look at my friend Lori modeling Halftees right now:

Coming soon? A Hafltee GIRLEE line for the pre-teens of the modest world. I hear it's going to be very cool.

Buy Halftees and get 10% off by using the code: rooftop10
Here are links (warning! only go to this website if you like belly buttons):
Girlee line
If you are coming to the concert on Friday, watch for owner Amanda who will be wearing her Halftee in demonstration. As in, she'll be wearing her Halftee on the outside layer so you can see how it works. Whether or not she also bares her belly button will be something to look forward to.
In other news, Ever Jane is now sporting piggy tails and I couldn't be more in love with those wispy pieces of hair. Especially when they get dipped--wet and dangly--in the pool.

Piggies, discounts, dry deserts, dark beverages, body sticks, belly buttons and entertainment. For today, life is good.
See you on Friday night!


There will also be a market at the concert around 6pm at Provo Town Center. Look for Suze's Threadbands, ouchy-less headbands for the big headed dry skinned humans like me. Or the oily skinned small headed humans. Or the dry skinned oil headed humans with stars on their bellies. Fun prints, vibrant colors and the proceeds go towards the missionary fund of Elder Alex Clark in Russia.
Meaghan Smith Video of the Day:

Email me: CJanemail@gmail.com
Twitter: CJaneKendrick