2010 Wrap Up: My Favorite Blogging Moments

Day two Cuties! Day two of wrapping up this year of 2010! This is such a special treat for tout le monde! Do you feel special Cuties? You should. I don't just throw French phrases when things aren't absolument special.
Anyway here are 10 things that were the sugar and spice on my blogging cupcake this year:
10. Chup left his intense corporate job to be at home with the little people. Of course, to Chup everyone is little people. Anyway, he's had a variety of careers in his life, but none so successful at what he's doing now. Now he's doing everything: acting, voice-over work (Jesus), photography, writing, cooking, cleaning, repairs, waste management, laundry room attendant, product reviewer, Minecraft architect, husband, father and the only person who can get me to say, "Sorry I can't, I don't have time right now."
9. I did an interview with Jane Flott of Interface Voices a nationally-syndicated radio show that airs on the NPR affiliate in Washington D.C. We talked about how religion influences my blogging. By-the-way, I am a Mormon. I know, you're all, "HOT POTATO! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO TELL ME NEXT? IS NIE NIE A MORMON TOO?"
8. I met Nancy Hanson doing another radio interview called Everything Creative for the Mormon Channel. Since I was but a college-going, boy kissing dreamer have I loved Nancy Hanson's singing and song-writing. As I went to shake hands with her, my force was equal to a blizzard in Nepal. I froze her out for a second with my fanship of fury. Sorry about that Nance! (now we're friends, partially BFFs--if you ask me--and I can call her by the nickname I created for her (Nance)).
7. After a deluge of emails asking me about how I fought the devastating battle of divorce and won, I wrote about my experience in a post called, A Story of Repentance. This had some interesting effects, I was interviewed by Brooke Walker for Studio 5's Find Strength in Hard Times series and from the station of my inbox, I read heart-breaking emails from women in painful marriages. But for me, that post was significant because it helped me walk through the entire motive for that marriage and divorce. For the first time I felt secure enough to accept the choices I made and the consequences it had on my life.
6. We helped promote a little band of missionaries and musicians who I like to call the Lower Lights. And glory be! In the process we met some life-long friends who have blessed our lives with their golden light of love. Happy times. Happy times.
5. My sister Stephanie (the transcendent one you call Nie Nie, the Mormon) and I spoke at a local Women's Health Conference for IHC together. My aunt Judy was in the audience as well as my friend Brenda who goes by B. (because she's so stellar she only needs one letter). Stephanie had everyone crying and then I got up and had everyone wishing for more Stephanie. But still, it was worth the swag. Everything is worth the swag.
4. Speaking on the blogger's panel at the Mormon Media Symposium.
3. I spoke at/sang at the CBC conference for people who are casual bloggers but who are really sassy women with gorgeous hair and babies at home. Almost my entire family was there, on the front row, watching me. Ric Farmer Beesley gave me a pre-determined nod when it was time to quit. That was probably thirty minutes before the rest of the audience wanted it to be time for me to quit. But what can you do?
2. My beloved Rooftop Concert Series.
1. The whole purpose for this thing called the internet is for the exchange of information and ideas. It is not for the exchange of unkindness, stupidity or jealously, but many times that's exactly what gets moved about. The best moment of blogging for me this year was when my friend Marilyn Lott, the Passionista, had been reading about all of our concert series and fun we were having and decided to explode. "Instead of feeling sorry for myself about living in an area where nothing exciting happens, I decided to bring the excitement here myself," she wrote me in an email. Marilyn shed her pouting and went to work, risking her own funds to create a concert series. Her first concert (with Mindy Gledhill), was a total success and this January she'll be hosting Sarah Sample (you need to go if you are in the area, watching Sarah Sample live is like viewing sunlit honey drip from heaven-blessed angel's tongues and if you've seen that you know what I mean. Details here.)
Our purpose in blogging is pretty simple, we want to help spread the ease of happiness. As the pioneer hymn says, to cheer up the sad, make others feel glad.
If not, we have failed indeed.
Salut Cuties!
Our purpose in blogging is pretty simple, we want to help spread the ease of happiness. As the pioneer hymn says, to cheer up the sad, make others feel glad.
If not, we have failed indeed.
Salut Cuties!
I am C. Jane Kendrick and stay tuned for tomorrow...My Least Favorite Blogging Moments. Dun dun dun...
contact me: cjanemail(AT)gmail.com
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