2010 Wrap Up: Mistakes
Hey Cutie Cutes, we're back. You still here? You are if you are reading this! Ha, caught you!
Sometimes blogging during the holidays makes one feel as though they are talking to themselves. Which is nothing new for me. Cutes.
C. Jane you need to work on your posture, ok sounds good, you're getting humpy again in the back, ok, can I say humpy on this blog? ok sounds good...
I'd like to present 5 of the most painful blogging mistakes I made this year. I mean, there were more than 5 but I talked it over with myself and that's all my pride will allow to be published at this time.
5. Despite Azucar's warnings, "Twitter will ruin your blogging" I was persuaded to open a Twitter account. Blughh. Simply, I don't like being contained in any way, shape or form. When Twitter gets all hyper because I am threatening to use more than 140 characters to explain how much I love my Black Licorice tea from Egypt on a morning when I feel like summoning the deeply troubled pharaohs of the Nile I say, "Oh Twitter! Who needs your brevity?" And then I am forced to self-reply, "Me, probably."
I am no good at it, but I'll keep trying.
4. So I've got this Provo blog, right? Yes? Ok sounds good. And recently I posted about a viral video called Provo, Utah Girls. It's a parody about BYU co-eds who are drooling to get married and the distances they will go to hunt down a righteous man. I thought it was a great example of how often times my hometown's public profile gets swallowed up in BYU's public profile, when in fact those who take up residency here see a bigger distinction. I wanted to opine that though the university is a powerful presence, it is a sub-culture and not the culture (like I always say, the BYU experience is not the Provo experience and the Provo experience is not the BYU experience). Therefore (is this turning into a thesis? Wait...) when the lyrics say Provo Utah Girls it doesn't actually mean Provo Utah Girls. And let me add that I did my homework and talked to those Provo Utah Girls who like me were raised, live, and claim Provo as their home and all of them said the same thing, BYU had some but little to do with their lives growing up. Ok so anyway that is my point.
Now, my mistake came when in explaining all of this I neglected to explain I wasn't offended by this video and I certainly didn't take it seriously. I understand the culture, I get it. I thought there were some humorous notes, like when the girls talk about marrying a tree if it served a mission. And Mallory, the writer and singer of the sketch is just about as cute as an apple pie on the Fourth of July. But I wrote the post completely wrong and came across as crusty. And oh boy did I get a beating for that.
Oh Cuties. Why go on?
3. I worked too soon after having a baby. I don't mean writing, there is never a better time to write--when life is swirling around you and slipping into your present-ness. But I was doing interviews and going to business meetings and accepting positions on community boards two weeks after having a baby. It was too early. I paid dearly. I wish I could do a do-over.
2. As it turns out, this was the year I picked as Fabulous Under 40 for Utah Valley's BusinessQ Magazine and was featured in the number 2 spot! I know what you're thinking, just using another list to brag C. Jane? Yes. But no. Yes and no? Ok sounds good. The problem is not that I was featured (obviously) but what I wore to the photoshoot. Because what resulted was perhaps the most unflattering photograph taken of me since the Johnny Hawkins dance with Jimmy Burch when I was a senior in high school. And people I know who don't read my blog read that magazine and suddenly I was being stopped around town by a whole new crowd. And oh golly gravy chunks I am caressing a huge tub of popcorn. I can't show you. Yes I can. No I can't. Ok sounds good.

Is it okay to look now?
Is the popcorn still there?
1. I was too serious too much of the time.
I am C. Jane Kendrick and right around the end of September of this year I went to get a massage and the miracle worker told me I had hump on my back "like an old lady". It was caused by stress. I am happy to say, it's gone now.
contact me: cjanemail(AT)gmail.com
c jane on facebook
c jane on twitter
Sometimes blogging during the holidays makes one feel as though they are talking to themselves. Which is nothing new for me. Cutes.
C. Jane you need to work on your posture, ok sounds good, you're getting humpy again in the back, ok, can I say humpy on this blog? ok sounds good...
I'd like to present 5 of the most painful blogging mistakes I made this year. I mean, there were more than 5 but I talked it over with myself and that's all my pride will allow to be published at this time.
5. Despite Azucar's warnings, "Twitter will ruin your blogging" I was persuaded to open a Twitter account. Blughh. Simply, I don't like being contained in any way, shape or form. When Twitter gets all hyper because I am threatening to use more than 140 characters to explain how much I love my Black Licorice tea from Egypt on a morning when I feel like summoning the deeply troubled pharaohs of the Nile I say, "Oh Twitter! Who needs your brevity?" And then I am forced to self-reply, "Me, probably."
I am no good at it, but I'll keep trying.
4. So I've got this Provo blog, right? Yes? Ok sounds good. And recently I posted about a viral video called Provo, Utah Girls. It's a parody about BYU co-eds who are drooling to get married and the distances they will go to hunt down a righteous man. I thought it was a great example of how often times my hometown's public profile gets swallowed up in BYU's public profile, when in fact those who take up residency here see a bigger distinction. I wanted to opine that though the university is a powerful presence, it is a sub-culture and not the culture (like I always say, the BYU experience is not the Provo experience and the Provo experience is not the BYU experience). Therefore (is this turning into a thesis? Wait...) when the lyrics say Provo Utah Girls it doesn't actually mean Provo Utah Girls. And let me add that I did my homework and talked to those Provo Utah Girls who like me were raised, live, and claim Provo as their home and all of them said the same thing, BYU had some but little to do with their lives growing up. Ok so anyway that is my point.
Now, my mistake came when in explaining all of this I neglected to explain I wasn't offended by this video and I certainly didn't take it seriously. I understand the culture, I get it. I thought there were some humorous notes, like when the girls talk about marrying a tree if it served a mission. And Mallory, the writer and singer of the sketch is just about as cute as an apple pie on the Fourth of July. But I wrote the post completely wrong and came across as crusty. And oh boy did I get a beating for that.
Oh Cuties. Why go on?
3. I worked too soon after having a baby. I don't mean writing, there is never a better time to write--when life is swirling around you and slipping into your present-ness. But I was doing interviews and going to business meetings and accepting positions on community boards two weeks after having a baby. It was too early. I paid dearly. I wish I could do a do-over.
2. As it turns out, this was the year I picked as Fabulous Under 40 for Utah Valley's BusinessQ Magazine and was featured in the number 2 spot! I know what you're thinking, just using another list to brag C. Jane? Yes. But no. Yes and no? Ok sounds good. The problem is not that I was featured (obviously) but what I wore to the photoshoot. Because what resulted was perhaps the most unflattering photograph taken of me since the Johnny Hawkins dance with Jimmy Burch when I was a senior in high school. And people I know who don't read my blog read that magazine and suddenly I was being stopped around town by a whole new crowd. And oh golly gravy chunks I am caressing a huge tub of popcorn. I can't show you. Yes I can. No I can't. Ok sounds good.

Is it okay to look now?
Is the popcorn still there?
1. I was too serious too much of the time.
I am C. Jane Kendrick and right around the end of September of this year I went to get a massage and the miracle worker told me I had hump on my back "like an old lady". It was caused by stress. I am happy to say, it's gone now.
contact me: cjanemail(AT)gmail.com
c jane on facebook
c jane on twitter