Winners! Plus Concert Photos

So, the concert.
It was exhilarating. Allow Justin Hackworth and me to put it all together for you in a brief synopsis:
First, I welcomed everyone to the concert and sang a little even though my brother Topher said to me the night before "Don't sing." (I couldn't help myself):

Eat this Topher:

Then the party really got started:

And the crowd said, Yes Please:

And can I take a photo?

When the concert was really on fire, Ryan Tanner called out, "Is Courtney out there?"

and as you know I AM COURTNEY so I ran on the stage and had the privilege of singing This Little Light of Mine with everyone and I don't mean to brag but I've got one demanding stage presence:

Oh shoot did I let it shine and shine and shine.
The whole thing was a huge success, I mean huge (1000+ people in attendance) and we all celebrated with candied pork lettuce wraps and chocolate tarts at Rooster around midnight:

Scott Wiley is indeed the man of the hour:

As is his secksy wife Sarah who put the whole concert series together:

As is his secksy wife Sarah who put the whole concert series together:

Which leads me to say, thanks twice. Once to Helen Anderson for being the Queen of Provo:
And for our executive committee, Sarah, Justin and Mindy.
I think God put us together to make some magic in old Downtown Provo, and we didn't disappoint.
Now listen, I only posted some of the photos of the concert here in this post, in actuality the best photos Justin took are waiting for your viewership here. You need to see Mindy in Red (is dancing with me, cheek to cheek) and Sarah Sample looking sultry, plus so much more. This was such a happy, happy night.
And also, I want to link to the first post I wrote a year ago about the Lower Lights project. It might be one of the funniest posts I've ever written. Hot dang, I am bragging again.
Thanks everyone for coming! Thanks Libbie and the Lower Lights for entertaining our souls! See you in May for the next series!

And for our executive committee, Sarah, Justin and Mindy.

I think God put us together to make some magic in old Downtown Provo, and we didn't disappoint.
Now listen, I only posted some of the photos of the concert here in this post, in actuality the best photos Justin took are waiting for your viewership here. You need to see Mindy in Red (is dancing with me, cheek to cheek) and Sarah Sample looking sultry, plus so much more. This was such a happy, happy night.
And also, I want to link to the first post I wrote a year ago about the Lower Lights project. It might be one of the funniest posts I've ever written. Hot dang, I am bragging again.
Thanks everyone for coming! Thanks Libbie and the Lower Lights for entertaining our souls! See you in May for the next series!
Chup here- C Jane put me in charge of picking the winners of The Lower Lights Albums. I've tried to be as arbitrary as possible, but with close to 600 comments for this giveaway, I can't help but feel like I'm leaving somebody out.
Here's the winners:

6 Nama
8 Likely
9 Me
10 Shimmy girl - You're the one from the concert that jumped out in front of me. I've felt bad ever since that I didn't give you one of the CD packages. Black shirt? Wanted the CDs for your sister? Like I said, I chose as randomly as possible. Well, except for Carrot Jello, because she pretty regularly cracks me up. And Shimmy Girl from the concert. Because....she shimmied. Don't actually know if she reads the blog, but maybe someone who knows her can tell her? I think she knows Justin Hackworth?
So there you go. Thanks so much to everyone for the comments and support. We really wish you all could have been there. It was an incredible evening. For now, a free CD will have to suffice for 10 (lucky!) readers.
Winners: please forward your mailing addresses soon at
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c jane on facebook
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