Thanks To You/ I Get What I Want

What happened was this:
Stephanie was supposed to speak at a youth conference for my brother Andrew's ward tonight.
Then she had emergency surgery.
Then Andrew had to leave the country to meet up with high-ranking elected officials in an undisclosed middle eastern country.
Then my sister in law Megan asked me to speak.
And I wasn't doing anything but nursing and eating cheese and crackers.
So I said, sure.
It was worth it to hear Megan introduce me to the crowd before I spoke:

If you want to feel good about yourself, ask my sister in law Megan to introduce you to an audience of a couple hundred.
Plus, isn't she pretty?
Plus, isn't she pretty?
Ahead of time I asked Megan if I could open my spiritual speech by singing Kelly Clarkson's Since You've Been Gone. It's really one of my favorite songs to sing in public.
She said NO.
I asked again.
And again.
But all three times she said NO. And each time got progressively stronger.
So I delivered the message about making choices. About choosing to have faith. About accepting our bodies, our divine missions and the will of God.
Then I sat down.
No Clarkson.
But you know what? After the meeting I met these beautiful, bright-eyed teenagers and I looked into their faces realized I had spent way too much time thinking about what I'd teach them that evening. Instead, I should've been thinking about what I wanted to learn from them.
I mean, don't tell any of them I said this, but really, I think teenagers have it all figured out.

And when the room was mostly emptied out, I sang to a select few.
It just spilled out of me. Couldn't help it.
Since you've been gone/I can breathe for the first time . . .
They were so cute, letting an old lady sing some old tunes.
I suppose Stephanie or Andrew would've been the better speaker tonight, but could they sing Clarkson the way I do? Especially while clutching my well-marked scriptures?

I do know this: there isn't a bushel big enough to hide my singing talent.
Or my humility.
Sing it with me now,
Here's the thing we started off friends . . .
A couple new posts just dropped here:

and another one here:

I am c jane, I'm so movin on/yeah yeah.
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