Why I Am Not Your Average Teenager: By Scott Houghton

So prom is coming up. What do you do?
You make blanket forts and eat dinner on the roof of the school.
You’re standing in the Louisville Kentucky International Airport. What do you do?
You do a handstand amidst the busy travelers.
You’re on a date and you ran out of things to do. What do you do?
You stalk Donny Osmond.
Hello my name is Scott Houghton; I’m a 17 year old living in Provo Utah. Oh wait, before you spend your next 5 minutes reading this post, I have to warn you about something. I’m not your average teenager. Seriously!!! So if you were hoping to read a boring post about some boring average teenager who spends the majority of their day playing video games and watching T.V., stop reading immediately!!!! This is not one of those posts.
So I’ll start again from the beginning. Hello I’m Scott Houghton; I a 17 year old living in Provo Utah and I am not your average teenager. Why am I not your average teenager? Well being average just isn’t my style. It’s so boring to be average. I like being different, I like excitement, and yes I would like to be legendary someday.
How am I going to become a legend? Well for starters I want to be a legend at Provo High School. Not like the legendary amazing student who gets straight A’s and gets 100% on every test ever. Because believe me, I am not that kind of person. I’m talking about becoming a dating legend. I want people/teachers at Provo High School to talk about all the sweet awesome dates I went on and stuff like that. For example, this year for prom we had a really fun “day date”. It was all little kid themed. We first picked up all our dates and went to my house and built a really awesome blanket fort in my living room.
After, we watched “Finding Nemo” and ate/traded our sack lunches. After the blanket fort we went to Discovery Park in Pleasant Grove (a.k.a. the wood park) and played tag, kickball, and other little kid games. It was really fun.
We then dropped off our dates so they could get ready for the dance and for dinner. Dinner was the most legendary thing that we did. We went to the roof of the school set up a table and ate dinner on the roof of the school. It was really, really cool.
See what I mean by legendary? As far as I know I’m well on my way. Some of the other really fun/creative dates I’ve been on are: drive-in movies (we made cars out of cardboard boxes and watched movies in the living room), snow golfing (pretty self explanatory we snuck onto a golf course in the middle of winter and played golf in the snow), Macey’s games (we went to Macey’s food store in Provo and played all kinds of games), Provo tour of the roofs (we went all over Provo and took a tour of the roof tops), stalk Donny Osmond (we found his house, knocked on his door, and got him to sing happy birthday to my mom for a video we made for her) see video HERE, rock climbing, hiking, bike rides, etc. Becoming a “dating legend” at Provo High School is one of my goals not just for the fame, but because going on amazingly awesome dates is just plain fun.
Thanks for reading about me the crazy-dating legend known as Scott Houghton. Have a good week. Go celebrate teenager week by toilet papering someone’s house, making a bomb, lighting something on fire, and anything else that us crazy teenagers love to do.

Teenage Week continues here:
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I am c jane and sometimes I wish I could go to the prom again.
I am also speaking, as you can see here:
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