Our Children Are Lucky to Have a Mom Like You--Post Edit

Hey Chup. Happy Mother's Day, you deserve it.

No. Not me. YOU. You deserve it.

It was you who got up with The Chief at 6:something. It was way too early for me so I slept in while you fed and bathed our son and slicked him up nice for church. A striped button-down, a handsome jacket and his brown loafers--he's never looked so presentable. And, may I add, you didn't look too shabby yourself. Hello Brother Kendrick.

It was you who took the boy to church and made sure he came back home with my Mother's Day pink geranium. It was you who taught him to call out my name and gingerly hand me the plant, but not before he sniffed it for scent. It was you who made sure my heart melted as all of this went down at the top of the stairs.

Oh swishy heart of mine.

It was you who fed him lunch, took him down for a nap and wiped the ouch off his forehead after he fell off the swing. You made the enchiladas for dinner, with fried egg on top and it was you who baked the pineapple upside down cake to golden perfection.

You cleaned up the after-dinner and soaked the cheesy plates, swept the floor, put the left-overs in the fridge.

It was you who rocked The Chief to sleep, snuggled with Ever until she felt better, made sure our mothers had a Mother's Day gift worthy of memory. You even had time to remind me tonight--in my frustration--that prayers are answered (even for the most mundane requests) and helped me remember the important points.

You make mothering look easy.

(Even though I know it's not.)

Happy Mothering Day Daddy.


Post Edit- All day long I've been thinking about this post. I've been thinking "Did I really write a Husband Brag post? It's not me! I don't write that kind of stuff. Do I? Maybe I do!" I mean my husband isn't the type to desire these kinds of posts. He knows I think he's the best, I adore him righteously, so my publicly professing these things is not for him, or for our relationship.

And yet, I felt compelled to write this post. And in thinking about all this, I've come to a comfortable conclusion: if I were Chup's mother this would probably be the best Mother's Day present available. A public decree that the boy I raised turned into a compassionate man and father.

So, Happy Mother's Day to my mother-in-law Kay. This post was for you.

(Thanks for him.)

On My Other Blogs Today:
dear c jane:
joovy stroller, product review by chup!

c jane's Guide to Provo:
some people call us boring
but they just don't get it.

I am c jane and I like pink geraniums.
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