Never Underestimate the Collective Power of Estrogen

Ellen is a student at BYU who is graduating in clothing and textiles. She also happens to love couture and has recently taken up designing and creating her own clothes. (Like this fantastic gold number and the glory of this petal dress.) When I heard she might be available to make some postpartum house dresses (yes, house dresses, but no moo-moos) for me I asked her to come over post haste.
Even though we had never actually met.
But when I opened up the door to meet Ellen I was filled with giddy anticipation. I loved her already. Her self-created blue shirt with silk roses and dark brown hair looked like a vision on my white armchair. She was heaven-sent, I knew it.
So we talked dresses and patterns and zippers and buttons and all the while The Chief threw Booty like confetti all over the front room. We talked about the complications of a postpartum body--the aftermath of an empty womb, the leaking of a full chest, the hot flashes, the unshakable desire of feeling desirable again. And I touched a dozen different swatches with the imprint of my thumb.
It was most glorious.
The energy in the room was so happy, when Chup walked in he was a bit overwhelmed. Later he said to me, "There was so much energy going on, I didn't know how to react." Which explained why he turned into Captain Shy when we asked him to take some photos for our respective blogs. "I married Mr. Darcy." I explained to Ellen, remembering Collin Firth's face anytime he was in the presence of the Bennet sisters.
When Ellen left with sketch pad and gold ruffled flats, Chup and I took The Chief out for fish tacos. It was over lunch when Chup and I discussed Ellen's visit.
"I think that energy is created when two women respect and admire each other." I suggested. "And what if every woman felt that way towards every other woman? Imagine the energy that would fill this planet. It would cure disease, stop wars and wipe out social ills." I predicted, rather daringly.
"You are probably right." Chup said remembering the morning's aura filling our whole house.
I mean, we know the damage that can be done when two women war against each other. Terrible, lasting effects that can destroy souls and ruin families. Think what could have happened if Sister Capulet loved Sister Montague. No really, think about it . . .
A day later a follow-up email came from Ellen.
"Do you know my Aunt Lani?" she asked.
Lani? My dream-boat, well-read, deep-thought idol? YES! Of course. I could easily see how these lovely woman could share dna. Happy, happy connection made.
And I am starting to think, if Lani, Ellen and I were ever to get together, our united spirits might be able to rid this nation of any lingering recession.
Don't be surprised.
The Ellen Switzer Project,
is going to be a regular posting on my
Provo Blog. Read more about it.

On dear c jane today:

My Community:
I am following this discussion,
What do you do to Achieve a Balance in Life?
Interesting responses.