From Desert to Dessert to Deseret

Tomorrow we head home.

This trip was too short. Not even an afternoon spent digging our way around Last Chance. Not even a drop of aqua fresca. Or roadside chiles rellenos. This trip was too short.

I am happy to report the desert is blossoming. We were even treated to a splendid spring rain shower this afternoon. The barometric pressure dropped and we slept the late afternoon away. We awoke to the smell of desert and rain. Nothing on this natural planet smells better than desert and rain.

(One time Chup told me he'd like to drink that smell. I love that thought.)

I am happy to report The Nielson children charmed us into taking them to dinner at McDonalds for fries and playland. We only conceded when they promised us they wouldn't tell their mom (resting at home) or dad (helping her rest at home)--a promise they quickly broke when we returned them home. Darn those cute kids.

I am happy to report that Grandpa and Grandmary Nielson helped me map out all the shopping centers in the valley, so indeed next time I will be prepared to shop in an organized manner. Really, the shopping out here is tremendous, even for a non-shopper like me. And a Circle K on every corner.

I am happy to report my sister Stephanie is fighting her way through this procedure along with her personal assistant, Christian. She has retained her vigorous sweet tooth (even texting me tonight with a thought about sugar cookies) and ability to roll her eyes in any direction. (Rolling eyes and whistling are two things Steph is fantastically talented at--I should mention). And we had a good laugh in realizing that though her hunch is larger than it was on Monday, my chest bump still trumps all. (A thorough side-to-side sisterly profile shot proved it to be true.)

I am happy to report that I am ready to go back home to Retro House and finish the "Before Baby Comes" projects. Nesting bits that won't let me sleep at night. It is time to secure the little spots left unfinished. And Lucy said she'd clean my kitchen floor when she returned. She has it down to a science--fifteen minutes and my floor makes Mr. Clean envious. (The line about Mr. Clean needs work.) (But for the time being, I am still on vacation.)

Good bye desert. Take care of my loved ones when we leave. I want them back in Utah as soon as this early spring turns to hot summer.

But in the meantime, keep up the good work.

On dear c jane today:
He Finally Fell In Love With Me Crockpot Cake

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