Banner Day 2010
Well. Here she is a new banner, with a new footer and new links inside the banner.
Did you notice all those links? In one spot? It's so organized.
It was inspired by my life here at Retro House.
My thanks to the overly-talented Jed Wells--as ever--for the banner and footer.
And to MD for all the technical work. (Sorry for the headache.)
And to Mego, my late night layout part (whisper) I love you (end whisper).
And to Ashlee for the seven gallons of hairspray that went into my coiffure.
I know you are itching to play with all of those links in my banner--go ahead.
Or even to scroll down and see the footer.
(I even updated my Links, About and Contact pages! Seriously go ahead! Click!)
I promise you this, if you stay tuned, in a couple months there just might be a little something new on the banner (like Mao! Or Chup!)
Isn't this fun?
Here is my 2010 button:
(I am always so grateful when people take my button, it is a simple offering I know, but thanks.)
p.s. On sending something to Nie
So many of you are wanting to know about where to send Steph mail, please continue to use the p.o. box address (located in the CONTACT LINK on my NEW BANNER! GO AHEAD AND CLICK ON IT!) We will send a shipment down with my mom and Lucy this week. I will be headed out to AZ the week after that, so it will get there safely and happily. We will make sure she gets everything you send. Thanks for being so generous. As always.
p.p.s. It's Nutella on my finger.
(Don't let your mind go there.)
On dear c jane today:
I am giving away a mother lode
of stuff to celebrate January
& a new url!