Five Photographs in Five Days: Day One
our tannenbaum, our tannenbaum!
This week I have decided to appease my family members who complain that my blog needs more photos and less words. More photos and less words. I can do that for a week. But only for a week because you have no idea how thoughts stack up in my head until they won't let me rest. Insomnia sets in like a zombie seeking salvation while I wander through this existence mentally constipated and thirsty for essay. But I will do anything for a week to celebrate the desires of loved ones. Anything for them.
(Although, are they really loved ones if they don't love my blog as is? I will ponder that in the midnights of this coming week.)
Good pancakes, after that brilliant paragraph above even I will miss my musings this week. Who comes up with that? Mentally constipated! Get over it!
Okay, so on to the photo.
Chup and I went to his company's work party on Friday night in Salt Lake City. It was festive and friendly. Shrimp and cocktails were served, but we had cranberry juice. I enjoy getting to know the people Chup spends his days with and their spouses/non-existent boyfriends (inside joke). We left as soon as the entertainment started, but only because I missed my baby. And because I was itching to get home and decorate the flocked Christmas tree we had purchased earlier. Though it is not my best talent, I love to get my hands on a naked tree. Tree, I said, a naked tree. Did you think I was going to say something else?
I also was killing for my pajamas.
So Chup took a photo of me as I unraveled mini white lights around the tree.
"Not a good time to be taking pictures of me." I informed my husband.
"Oh but look at this one." He said, handing me the camera.
"Oh my goodness." I said with a surprise. "I am pregnant."
In all the holiday cheer I had forgotten:
Hello Mama.
In the spirit of posting photos of myself on the internet, I decided to do a little post-production on this photo to make me look extra hot. I put a bow on my baby bump (thanks Photobucket holiday stickers!) to remind you all, it is a baby bump. Not Great Harvest Cinnamon Pull Apart Bread, even though I ate a loaf of it yesterday. By myself.
Anyway, one photo down, five to go.