2009 Year in Pictures: September-December
September did not skip on the romance. Chup and I were caught with matching fever blisters. And I was gifted the long dark night of first trimester morning sickness. They do say that romance leads to these sorts of things. We were warned.
October was ushered in by the Beelsey Hayride and Pumpkin Pick. It was on this fateful night The Chief informed us that he intended to be a tractor driver in his adult years. A personal goal he has stayed faithful to, I might add, as his first words included "cruck" a mixture of car, truck and tractor. You know what they say, "simplify simplify simplify!"
For some reason, November is always a slow month for photo-taking at our house. Please then, enjoy this picture of us in Times Square New York taken by an offering fellow-tourist with Chup's iPhone (aka our sister-wife). Only seconds before this was snapped by the kind stranger, Chup whispered down to me, "If he starts running off with my phone, I am giving The Chief to you and taking off after him." Chup is serious about his relationship with his iPhone (aka our sister wife) (did I already say that?)
What ho December? What have we here? It is the Kendrick family hovered around the piano at the Clark family Christmas party. Our son had just finished off a rousing wrestling match with his boy cousins which required us to take his outer clothes off. Nothing says Merry Christmas like a slam to the rib . . . Clark-boy style.
By-the-way, you might be intrigued to know that The Chief is now a happy owner of a white-and-orange cat. Perfect temperament with minor shedding. We'll be sure to properly introduce you soon enough.
Tomorrow I will be gathering up a short list of posts I wrote in 2009, the ones I am not too embarrassed to have typed. Then merciful enough, I will be done with my review of this great-and-last year of this decade.