Pretend This Is Me On Oprah's Couch, Post-Show Commentary

One day I got a message on my phone from a producer from the Oprah show. The next day he called again and I decided to answer it. You know because, how many times does the Oprah show call you?

Anyway. Turns out they wanted to do a story on my sister (you know, Nie?) and wanted my opinion. I'd like to think they wanted my opinion, but I really think they wanted my "in."

To make the story shorter, a couple weeks ago Nie went on Oprah to tape a segment. Our family was there via Skype, so we watched the whole episode. My sister rocks, and I think that's all I am contractually able to say at this point. Also, I don't mean to spoil anything but the whole audience gets flying cars. Welcome to 2009!

Zoom! That was me above your head!

(Rate that joke 1-10. Funny being a 10.)

If you'd like to watch the episode it will air on Wednesday (Oct. 7th). You can go here for more deets.

And for my terribly brief and hardly mentionable short cameo appearances on the show, I'd like to thank:

  • Andrew Beesley for my yellow pearls.
  • My pregnancy for having nothing to wear but sweaters from two years ago.
  • Ashlee for having my hairdid.
  • My shy, private brother for letting me have his face time.
  • Producer Erin for letting me call myself her "beloved."
  • And my sister-in-law Kentucky for putting a name to my goat voice.
Enjoy the show! I know you will!

I am off! Zoom!

(Something is not funny about that joke.)


1.) When we watched the taping I was so proud of Stephanie. She didn't seem nervous or pretentious in anyway. She was just Stephanie--soft spoken and graceful. If you ever wanted to know what she is like in real life, there you have it.

2.) I am very embarrassed about my arm waving at the clock. At the time it didn't seem so obnoxious. The producers told us to look animated . . . but oh boy I went a little overboard.

So . . . what else is new?

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