Button, Button I Found My Button--Revised

Step right up Ladies and Gentlemen to my first ever Button Week. I am celebrating the arrival of four new buttons loading up on my sidebar. Every day a new blog about a new button. It is the most exciting thing since Prime Time in No Time. Frank Nicotero, je t'aime.

Last night Chup took some photos of moi. At first we were just being silly, you know me posing like this or me posing like that. We even had some tunes in the background, a mixture of Chup's 80's Pop and my stripped down man-with-guitar ballads. It felt like old times.

Old times, specifically, pre baby. It has been a while since I've wanted the camera to catch me in a frame. I found that having a baby did a little reconstruction to that part of me that wanted to win Best Dressed at my inner city high school. Suddenly the world meant more than just waking up and looking cute.

Which is fine, but I still think it is important (very important for me, anyway) to want to wake up and go through the rituals of looking good. When I show my body that I am willing to take some time to take care of it, my body seems to respond in kind. I think it took me by surprise how much I miss that part of myself.

One thing that helped turn me around was Ms. Reachel Bagley's Cardigan Empire. For Christmas she sent me my very own Fashion Look Book. It outlined my best colors, styles and some desperately needed advice for my postpartum shape. As I perused through the pages, I desired to look, dress and smell better. Yes, smell.

I am moving like spring. Coming out, starting to bud again and feeling renewed. In thanking Reachel for her help, I am adding her button to my sidebar. I wish I could do more. She might have eternally saved me from cotton sweat suits.

Fashion Style Etiquette Cardigan Empire

I now humbly recognize that I can still be fabulous and be a mother.

Well . . . in a different sort of way.

Post Edit:

Yikes you know what? I only get a brief hour to compose my posts. I really don't have the time to proof read or re-read like I should. I just changed "striped down music" to "stripped down music." And "I now humble recognize" to "I now humbly recognize."

Yesterday I wrote "ballet" instead of "ballot." Cg6, my pr director, along with Chup and my mother usually let me know when I've got problems. But sometimes they have a life of their own to read. I mean, lead.

In conclusion, motherhood has also made me a bit lazy in the editing department. Does anyone offer a Grammar Look Book? Just kidding. I wouldn't read it.

Also, I cut the third picture for my FB account. It was too much for the blog. Whatever that means.

Oh and I just cut the second photo too. I'll put that only Blogger profile.

Much, better.

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