Never Late-Revised

Hello Ms. March,

Here we are in 2009, and Darling, you've never looked more promising. I can't wait to see your attempt at this year's spring. Though the clouds are presently rumbley, I want you to know I love a day full of rain as much as (if not more than) a day full of the sunny stuff. So bring your split personality to my doorstep, March. I can dig it.

To herald your coming, here are some of my March Madness to do listings:

  • Develop a greater sense of romanticism.
  • Buy a new toothbrush
  • Try my second hand at a new spring wardrobe using the techniques Reachel taught me:
  • Visit the M*A*C counter for some new spring-ish facial paint.
  • Finish the living room painting project.
  • Finish the living room mural project.
  • Drink less ice water and more water without ice.
  • Visit Ashlee about the dark roots that keep appearing next to my scalp.
  • Change diet to incorporate less heavy and more light.
  • Kitchen floor (I am so excited for my new kitchen floor!)finished in time for The Chief's first steps.
  • Watch at least one Jane Austen in any variety.
  • Get out petite vases, fill with buds.
  • Tip the corners of my mouth more upwards, creating what some people call a "smile". Use it to harvest seeds of good intent.
  • Take a daily walk with the child of my womb. Use the time to think.
  • Like, think about the thoughts in this article.
  • Look for some new wedges, just because they feel good.
(Rio Sandal, you are a big maybe)

Alright March, time for me to sweep.

Welcome Back.



I'd also like to add:

  • Get e-mail read and responded by the end of this month.
  • Realize that most of these listings are self-indulgent. Be alright with self-indulgence, March doesn't last forever AND it is my birthmonth, so why not?

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