One Day

Dear Chief,

One day I will tell you about how the New York Times called wanting an interview with me about Auntie Stephanie's blog. I will tell you about how you were taking a mid-morning nap and woke-up when my phone rang. Then, if it doesn't embarrass you too much, I'll tell you that I nursed you back-and-forth until the phone call was over. Even though you weren't hungry.

Then I will tell you about after the phone call, when Umi showed up, you made her smile. And she needed you to do just that. Then, if it doesn't embarass you too much, I'll tell you that we put a turban on your head until we laughed ourselves silly. Even though you didn't really like it. It was the only way to go, you'll understand.

You are my hero, little boy.


Thanks to all Nie's blogging friends who allowed us to give out contact info for this article.

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