To Chup, From Lucia

This week will end in one inevitable: my husband's thirty-sixth birthday. To celebrate, his friends and family around the world will be --for this week only--posting their deepest love and devotion to the man we know as Chup (rhymes with hoop, please don't call him Chup rhymes with cup, which is what we hear all the time, really offends the guy, but not so much him, but me who gave him the nickname for which I am somewhat proud (but not too proud to beg) and though I never call him Chup vocally because I am too busy call him "Lambchopskins" or just "skins" for short, I fully intend on. . . where am I going with this?)

Oh. Look here!
Our first birthday wish comes from my littlest, teeny, tiny sister Lucia:

Chup, I can't even count how many Sonic Coney Dogs we've enjoyed together and all of them were very delicious. I am going to get you to convert to the J-dog soon, but until then, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I LOVE YOU (and J-DOGS!)

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