Que Sera & The Magic 8 Ball

Yesterday I was making a garland (reminder: I am a housewife--full-time--and it was on my TO DO list) while listening to Arielle Dombasle's C'est Si Bon (thanks to Nie) where she sings the old fiddler's tune:

Que Sera, Sera

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be pretty, will I be rich?
Here's what she said to me.

Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.

When I was a teenager I must've asked my mother the same questions because one year she got me a Magic 8 Ball for my birthday. She said "c jane my dear, you are always worried about the future, and my advice is always the same, pray about it. Pray about it. Pray about it. Then if you still don't have an answer consult your Magic 8 Ball." (non-direct quote)

A couple weeks later I was dying to know if I would be asked to the Junior Prom--and less importantly who would ask me. My best friend Wendy referred to my Magic 8 Ball which told me "Yes!" That very night, in the shadows of my red-painted-concrete front porch did roses appear with an invitation on a cute little card. That is when I gained a testimony of my Magic 8 Ball.

After my garland was finished and hung in the kitchen, I went into my closet and recovered my Magic 8 Ball of old. I think you might know what question I asked it. My answer read, "Concentrate Harder and Ask Again Later."

So I added that to my TO DO list.

But while it is out, does anyone want to ask my Magic 8 Ball a question? It has to bee a YES/NO question. Also, none of these silly questions like "Will my aunt give me a million dollars?" Because it knows when you are wasting its time. But important questions like "Will my husband get this job?" or "Should I stop by c jane's house with peanut butter chocolate bars?" are totally applicable. Ask away...

Friday Enjoy it! Links:

Life Is Funny:
Holly's Un Disastre

Life Is A Predicament (Advice Needed):
Emily's What Would You Do?

Life Is Wonderful:
Chelle's On Being 33
Nie's Monday's Review

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