Praising My Mother at Segullah

1.) The brunch was so fun yesterday. I love my family so much. Do you want to see more pictures of the affair?

The giant strawberries were a big hit with the four-and-under crowd.
(Chicken curry sandwiches weren't out yet.)

Max, Jesse and Lindsay

The grandchildren made cards and we strung them up on a garland.

For party gifts, I wrapped Hershey bars in fun paper.
(Hershey bars are mom's longtime friend.)

Would you be interested in finding out my mother's secret to motherhood? I disclosed it in my post today at Segullah. Click here if you want to know.
(It may surprise you.)

2.) Well, I felt nothing short of wonderful this past week with all the hub-bub in my Guestbook. It's so hard to choose the Comment of the Week. Josie compared me to Martha Stewart. Then Sue brought up the point that I had never done prison time (though, does a mission count? Sorta the same.) And Mirjam whose husband is the best part of Saints and Soldiers, found me walking down town with Chup. Then Auntie CW of Sour Cream Lemon Pie (big hit yesterday!) fame writes a little ditty. This is followed by Heather who encourages a friendship with Chicken Jane. Ending with Mrs.Cropper who is my niece's fav-o-rite Young Women leader. Deep Breath. What the heck! I choose them all as Guestbook Commenters of the Week!

Would you like to be the next Guestbook Commenter of the Week? Time Travel Here!

3.) Tomorrow I will be discussing my favorite hot spots in London and Paris for Mitch who is heading there next month. If you have anything to add, I am sure she'd love your suggestions. Truthfully, I would go to London just to devour a case of Hobnobs. I am white trash that way.

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