Looking Out For Those I Care For

I promised Lucy I wouldn't tell a soul where I picked up these plastic strawberry-smelling shoes. A pink pair for me, a green pair for her birthday. She doesn't want me to tell because she'd like to think that we are the only two girls in the world who own them. But for posterity's sake (I am always thinking of them) I had to post a picture and proclaim to the masses I LOVE THESE SHOES! And not even because they are pink, plastic and strawberry-smelling but because they give me ample toe cleavage and now that everyone knows how I feel--and about how my mother feels--about cleavage...
They came into my possession the other night when driving in Springville.
"Chup" says I. "This girl needs some pink shoes."
And I knew where to go to get them.
"Chup" says I. "Lucy will need a pair too."
Cause I am always looking out for my sister.
We took Andrew and Lucy last night to Magelby's Dessert Parlor (that is right, two times in one week I mention them! PR check please!) to celebrate her forth coming 23 years on the 23rd. Lucy asked for an Oreo shake, Andrew had the strawberry cheesecake ice cream (that kid eats ANYTHING!) Chup had the brownie and I went for two breadsticks and an order of battered fries. Like I always say in a match up of calorie for calorie my money is on the fries.
And in moments, my hot plate was devoured and Lucy still had enough Oreo shake left for the fry dipping. (You dip your fries in your Frosty right? You're not too good for that are you?) So I had to order another plate.
Cause I am always looking out for my sister.

You know who else I am always looking out for? c jane readers, that is who. I am leaving today for Arizona to visit my famous sister Nie Nie and her troops. Because I care, I've lined up 3 guest bloggers on c jane:

FRIDAY-Page (my spiritual adviser) spills secrets of her chicken coop, laying eggs, and how to teach a son the fine art of How to Treat a Woman.

MONDAY- Chup writes on coping strategies when his wife (namely, me) is gone. Hear what you can do for your husband the next time
you take-off for your next solo vacation.

TUESDAY- Read about how my little brother Jesse is preparing his family for a trip to Puerto Rico next month. He will tell us about the traditions, food and beaches as well as useful Spanish words when visiting the Territory. Also: the time he lived La Vida Loca with Ricky Martin and J Lo. (But except not really.)


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