It's So RAD
Dear Readers,
Do you remember this day where I vowed to answer questions, offer advice and give genuine compliments as requested? My intelligent and funny friend Emily (visit her, she will make you laugh) coined it Reader Appreciation Day and I think it stuck-ed. Also, my sarcastic friend Davey (seen above) accused me of running up my comment totals by replying in a separate responses to readers. But I believe that on RAD everyone deserves their own comment. And since I've been gone for so long and many of you stayed around the block waiting so patiently for my porch lights to flicker on, I've decided to attempt this activity again.
Allow me to appreciate you today by giving you my full attention.
What do you want to talk about?
c jane
P.S. Comments will be responded to up until midnight tonight (Friday, February 16th) after midnight I melt into a vat of hummus only to be rebirthed again on Monday. What ever that means.