Day 14 of ME: My Friends Went To Mexico And All I Got Was This Lovely Dress

~J and Azucar brought it over last night when it was threatening to rain. As usual, I missed their visit because Chup and I were on the motorcycle delivering cookies. Oh yes cookies. I make a batch of them everyday. Oh yes everyday.
Double Chocolate
Walnut Chocolate Chip
Peanut Butter
Yesterday was Sugar Cookies taking form of a sun. A note attached reminded the YW to Rise and Shine early for a trip to the temple.
(Who am I and what did I do with myself???)
Then there was Monday's Sour Cream Apple Pie.
It helps the arthritis when I knead pie crust dough. Actually, the whole process is very scientific and therapeutic and well, spiritual.
Oh yes spiritual.
But anyway, ~J caught Chupa and I down the road (she's so clever with that mini van) and she told me all about the trip, and the story behind this lovely sundress.
And so my little ones, it goes without saying, there is nothing like friends and cookies.
But especially friends.
What is your favorite cookie?