When May Is Rushing Over You With Desire

Yes we can smell the Russian Olive. Actually, it's much more fragrant this year than I ever remember it in times past. Provo bought extra of it at the perfume counter, I suppose. A couple nights ago, while visiting Andrew & Megan's house, we were invited to go on a short walk to smell the most delightful scent. 100 yards out in the dark golf course was the most magnificent Russian Olive gently highlighted by the moon. Because of it's incredible size, height and width, you could smell it at about 35 yards. Andrew pointed out, "This is the smell of the school year ending." And you know what that meant for Andrew (never one to pursue Academia, really.)
What does Arizona smell like these days?
Dear Lucy in England,
I went to your old boyfriend's wedding reception last night. It was lovely. Remember how I told you that if your ex-boyfriend marries someone charming, it is a reflection of you? You taught him well Luce. You would be proud of him. (Except, he was wearing a hot orange tie...what and why?) Also, at the reception, we ran into your other ex-boyfriend (countless!) and his cute wife. He broke the news to us that they are having a baby. If it's a girl, she is going to be Lucy.
Good work all around!
See you soon!
Dear Topher in London,
Many, many Mays ago before I was a high school graduate and you were married, you did a brave act of service for me. I had cashed a check into multiples of one hundred dollar bills. Driving home from the bank in Mom's convertible--top down--the wind forced my money out of the bank envelope, up in the sky, and scattered all over 9th East. Traffic was such that I couldn't stop. I drove home in a panic.
And you!
You interrupted your delectable meal consisting of (you know) Pepsi, saltines and cheddar cheese, to rescue my money. Dodging from cars, you managed to recover all my dough. I never forgot it. Thanks again.
By-the-way, I am so excited for Lisa to come and visit you this weekend. I saw her last night. Wow. She is more beautiful (is it possible?) than I have ever seen her. You just wait!
Love to all,
Your Beloved Sister and Friend (Sisterfriend)