I Want You So Bad (to attend)

This is what happened, Paul Jacobsen had this idea for a Rooftop Concert that would cover an entire album using our local artists and musicians.
"What album should we choose?" Sarah Wiley texted me.
I happened to be at my brother Steve's house, who happens to be a music aficionado and we happened to have some time, so we started a two-day brainstorm.
"The Police, Synchronicity."
"Van Morrison, Moondance."
"Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon."
"Micheal Jackson, Thriller."
"Nirvanna, Nevermind."
And on it went.
Then Paul responded,
"I've done the Abbey Road album before, we could do it again."
And then he titled it, The Abbey Road Show because in Utah we're nuts about Road Shows. Isn't that clever?
Paul playing with Madison Arm at our first show of the season:

So over the past few months since we solidified this event, I've been listening to the album--a swirly mix of songs about love (with slices of lust), gardens, Octopuses, murder, granny music and my favorite, Golden Slumbers. There it is, Rollingstone's 14th best album of all time.
Tonight I got the set list, who is singing what song and I am playing the whole concert out in my mind. I don't know what cocktail is running in my veins tonight, but I am weepy about it all. Weepy because so many people are coming together to create something so creative for our community. And it's free for the taking.
Read more about it, the players and the idea behind it all here.
If you are coming:

First start your night off at Freedom Days, on the county courthouse lawn. Buy yourself some kitch. Do it.
Then come to Provo Town Square for our art/food market. Great little gifts to buy!
Our warm up duo Cherie Call and Sam Payne start around 7:45.
People usually start staking out spots around 7:15ish. Bring chairs and blankets.
Yes, the lanterns will be lit this concert.
Sarah Sample will open for us. You will not want to miss her set. Let me be clear.
I have a plethora of giveaways to give from the stage including, Slab pizza, Sweet Tooth Fairy treats, 3B Yoga passes, Modbod prizes and cds!!!
You can text Slab pizza to deliver pizza to you on the Rooftop starting at 8pm for delivery at 9pm. Three pizzas will be free for the random texter.
Sweet Tooth Fairy cupcakes sold in the courtyard of Provo Town Square.
The Abbey Road Show will begin when you can see the lights from the lanterns, and so will the love.
You will have an option to follow along on Twitter. Paul has come up with dozens of 140 characters or less interesting, funny tidbits about the album and the performers. Follow us in advance, here.
If you are not coming:

Boo hoo for you you.
And now, a word about our sponsors:

Whenever people email me about coming to Provo they always say, "And of course we're going to the Sweet Tooth Fairy." It has indeed become a Provo landmark. But what people may not know is the generosity of Megan and Ethan Brown. They give and give and give in many different ways. And believe me, many times I've been on the other ending of that giving--cupcakes on my front porch or cakes at my sister Stephanie's parties. Just the other night Megan offered to take my children if I ever needed a break. I need a break? That woman is the hardest working human I know. Watch this (but not if you're hungry).

Modbod was one of the first sponsors on board with the Rooftop Concerts and I love them for it. I have already posted my testimonial of how great their undershirts are in my life. As you can see on my blog recently, I wear them a lot under maxi dresses. It's a great pregnancy trick. (Also, if you click on that testimonial, you'll also see some great comments in the comment section. The last comment was supposed to be me, but I posted it as Chup and boy it reads funny with his face next to my profession of love for undershirts.) See the 25% ad above.

3B Yoga. I went to the 3B Yoga studio today, in the heat of the afternoon, with my two tired-of-running-errands human monkeys. The minute we walked into that place (with boutique and cafe) I was instantly filled with serenity and peace. I have only ever done one yoga class (and you don't want to know what happened) but being there was compelling enough to make me try again. In the Riverwoods across from Bajios.

One more frequently posed question, Who does the artwork for your posters?
Answer: Matt Midlenstein. And we're patiently waiting for his launch online and availability for more design projects. He's fabulous.
See you on the Rooftops!