Link Panther

I confess I am a sucker for links. Here's are some of mine own to share. (I was not paid for any of them, but I should've been).
Why Standards Night is Substandard by Kathy Soper about teaching female Mormon youth sexuality. It's pretty intriguing and in my experience, spot on.
The Lower Lights added an extra show this weekend in SLC. You can now take the whole family to an early 6 pm showing. Kids are encouraged to dance, actually, everyone is encouraged to dance. Oh man I love dancing.
Justin Hackworth has a fresh, new blog. It combines what I love about him most: his ability to tell a story and his artistic portrayal of the sometimes ordinary. I also like his laugh, but that is hard to share in a link. (Photo of above, Folks on Whidbey Island--my title--is his).
And this my friend Colton of P712 and Communal, I love what he says about taking bites and making them count:
p.s. Colton is seen at Jacob's Cove picking produce. We support local growers!
A massage and hypnotherapy all at one stop?

I am Courtney Kendrick and I just combined food, photography, music and the written word all in one post without being aware of it. I hope you likey.
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