The Day I Really Loved the Lady at the Bagel Shop

This morning I woke up with Ever Jane
burrowed next to my side. I gingerly rotated my body so as not to wake the darling up. In doing so I quickly noticed I was not even two inches away from falling off the bed. Since when does Ever get the whole bed to herself?

Chup was up making pancakes.

We have my brother Steve and his family staying with us for a bit. The Chief was running around with his cousin Maggie strategically avoiding eating breakfast. The boy doesn't like breakfast. But he sure likes to wake up before the sun rises and stay up until the dizzy spell of late afternoon.

I stayed in bed listening to all the downstairs noises.

Chup was saying, "It's four thirty time to make donuts!"

An my sister in law Suze was laughing.

I sat in the chair in my room. I read a scripture. I said a little prayer. I imagined having a super power. I imagined that super power to be the ability to love sincerely everyone I encountered that day.

I had a meeting downtown. Justin, Mindy, Sarah and me.

Those three? Easy to love.

I had lunch with my nieces Emily and Lindsay.

They make me genuinely laugh. Maybe that is their super power?

Suze looked up "cures for mastitis" and "cures for diaper rash" for me when the babies napped. I may be suffering from one out of two of those maladies. Or both. I will keep you guessing.

I love helpful people.

My sister in law Megan took The Chief and tossed him into the mix of her bouncing household. I love willing babysitters.

Later I got my hairdid by my hair therapist Ashlee and when I had to meet my family for dinner she asked Destiny to help blow dry my mane so I could make it on time. This blog testifies how much I love Ashlee, she is the Hair Whisperer. Without her there is no me. Real me.

And Destiny? I have loved her since the beginning of our studio relationship. I loved her even more after she showed me her tattoos. The tattoos she regrets.

At dinner I loved my brother Steve for letting The Chief drink all of his Vitamin Water and sit in his seat making it so Steve had to sit at an entirely different table alone.

I loved my mom and dad for proudly wearing their "I Voted" sticker in public.

Tonight I loved The Chief for folding his arms when we said our family prayer. It made me forgive him for the ear melting scream he let fly in the restaurant when I tried to give Steve's Vitamin Water back. I was too lazy to be mortified, but I wasthisclose . . .

And right now? I love Ever for looking so pink and perfect in her jammies sleeping soundly all wrapped in her silky quilt. And for snorting every twenty minutes or so. How could I not love a newborn snore?

And I forgive her too for taking up the whole bed this morning, even though she is a tiny pea of a person.

I think my super power dreams came true today.

Tomorrow I am going to imagine having the super power of curing the world of mastitis.

a new blog to love:

something for a summer night:

I am c jane and I don't have diaper rash.

contact me:

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