A Sucker I Tell You
I think I am a sucker for a
Anytime someone tells me they are working on a thesis I become a silly little girl. I want to hear about the details, the ideas, the results. And if I can help gather data about a thesis, oh boy, do I completely lose my mind.
Which is why I am spreading the word about Whitney King's thesis. Whitney is a student at Utah State University, wears cheerful vintage clothing and maintains that she will not have babies until her thesis is done. I know all of this because she drove the lonely hours down from Logan, Utah to come and interview me at my home.
Her thesis is about folklore, more specifically blogging. (Holy Grapevines! A thesis about blogging!) What she needs is for the better part of the blogging world to take part in a questionnaire, which shouldn't be hard right? I mean you are a blogger, you are already good at talking about yourself. Answering some simple questions should be a easy task. Plus, she is attempting to give away $100 gift cards to two lucky responders.
Surely you want to help me help Whitney's mother and mother in law in getting those babies here, right?
See here for more information.
Speaking of blogging and theses, I was recently introduced to the Mormon Women Project a collection of interviews about LDS women. It follows the same structure of the book I once posted about Mormon Women: Portraits and Converstations, a book that changed my ideas of what it means to be an Mormon woman. Specifically, what I am capable of when I use personal revelation in my daily life.
Tonight I read an interview about Michelle Glauser an expatriot living in Germany. She also wrote a thesis about blogging, specifically Mormon Mommy Blogging. Very interesting thoughts, some of them quite bold. You can read the interview here.
Here is my thesis: I need to go to bed.