Quiet Noise: A blue lily/c jane Photo Essay

Our house is so still.

The Chief scuttles around on the carpet sans his usual entourage of devoted half-siblings. It's been since Friday night that we've been without our three passengers, Claire, Jane and Ollie and it still feels strange.

This is the tone of our house:

Inherited toys.

Including that dinosaur with mysterious origins.

More e-mail, more ignoring.

Ample time for one adorable child.

Socks in laundry are man variety only.

Vacuuming the kitchen carpet seven less times daily.

Still considering eating my emotions.

And thinking--now that all is said and done--how blessed we were for six months. A house full of children is an adventure that simply cannot be surpassed in this lifetime.

(Sorry, Everest.)

And praying that someday soon we'll be able to fill up our Retro house again.

Next time with children that can stay.

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