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A Grab Bag of Awesome Behavior
I woke up this morning and made Marilyn's Banana Bread recipe which has streusel on the top of it. I added pieces of chocolate (some call them "chocolate chips") and the loaf turned out absolutely decadent. The next time I have brown, pungent bananas I am going to try Christy's Grandmother's recipe with 7-Up. But honestly, what a way to start a day! Who wouldn't want to be married to me? I want to be married to me! You want to be married to me! YOUR MOM wants to be married to me.
Speaking of moms, sometime in the afternoon, Lucy and the Councilwoman showed up at my front doorstep to show off their respective beach cruisers. I think those bicycles should be called something different here in Utah, seeing how we don't have any proper beaches. (Gospel crusiers?) I mean what do they call them in Minnesota, Nebraska or Arizona? Anyway, the Councilwoman's bike is the Purple Dragon while Lucy rides Gigi.
Speaking of purple, I discovered today that along with my deep purple and light purple lilacs I also have white ones as well. This is serious photo journalism because I was actually noticing this very garden treat when Chup snapped the photo. Chup is so snappy.
So snappy in fact, that he beat me 3-1 in checkers as we were floating our remote between Letterman and Leno.
Ahh David and Jay! I know everyone has their opinions, but I spent my youth listening to my parents laughing at Letterman from their bedroom at night. Therefore and appertaining to, David is like an older brother to me. But if this were a real expose, I'd skip them both and go straight to Craig (Ferguson). Had we'd been the same age, and lived in the same country, I would've dated him in high school.
But not married him. Because that is Chup's job. And he does a mighty fine work. Snappy work, actually.