This Post Took Two Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood & Seven Fruit Snacks

Hi. I realize my last essay sorta came off like, oh I think only Mormon women experience a life of seeking and physical service and piles of blessings, and I didn't mean to imply that. (Thus my line, "And I think the life of a seeker is an extraordinary, hard-working journey. Of course, that's true of all humanity. Not just Mormons.") I meant to only write a perspective piece. As always, I loved to hear comments from others who say, yes! that sounds like my life too--and I'm Catholic, or Muslim! Those comments help close the gap of any religious space that may come between us. So, thanks for reading what I meant to write, and not allowing what I didn't spell out get in the way of my intention. Sweet, sweet patient readers.

Well, it's Friday and I'm in my robe and I am looking at a day with one meeting, one visit to a friend, several openings of fruit snack pouches and a BYU vs Boise State game with my mom and brothers. I really want BYU to beat Boise State. I mean, Boise is a really inspiring team, and they like trick plays and who doesn't like a team with a few hook-and-ladders and statue of liberty executions? But I think a lot of BYU fans in Idaho left their long-devotion to the Cougars when Boise started getting hot and now we've got traitors on our hands. Do you think I over-think this stuff? Anyway, their initials are BS and let's be honest, the BS in Boise State is that horrid blue smurf turf that make a mess of an image on tv cameras. Enough, C. Jane.

Also, I need to go to Costco (to buy more fruit snack pouches to open) and we need to finalize the children's Halloween costumes: one Mr. Freeze, one zombie princess and one spider. Glory be (!) I married Chup whose hours in make-up and wardrobe chairs have made him a proficient costumer. Good luck to the rest of you non-crafty types. Wahahahaha!

Hey if you live in Provo may I suggest seeing The Woman in Black at the Echo Theater?  I went last night and jeebies I haven't had a thrill like that in a long time. Our fellow audience goers were actually screaming and moaning and crying and one person was rolling on the floor. That's funny now that I am writing that, but at the time I was like, "Is that person ok?" Also, if you can somehow get tickets to sold out The Moth & The Flame show at Velour Saturday night it would be worth it. They are releasing their newest EP in preparation for their LP due to be released later on. I woke up this morning with their songs in my head, and I remembered how haunting and sexy their sound is--especially when it's live and living in your lungs, heart and brain. It's lyrical ecstasy. I mean that line too.

Now, not to change gears suddenly, but my friend Eric at Addo Recovery asked me to send out the message that they are offering a six week course for FREE to women affected by sexual addiction. As you may know, in February I did a series on sexual addiction and I continue to receive feedback and emails from readers about what Addo identifies as Betrayal Trauma. If this sounds like something you, or someone you know could benefit from please, please, please pass on this link. Or share this incredibly brave and short interview of my friend Kami:

Ok, I must sign off. This robe is getting hot. Plus, my girls have formed an newly-inked alliance to cause chaos and catastrophe whenever I appear to be, in the least bit, distracted. And I don't mean to brag, but these girls are really good at meeting their collaborative goals. Especially because the younger one is potty-training (!!!) This partnership maybe my demise. If I don't blog on Monday please call the authorities. Chup will be in Kentucky. Damn him.

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